Saturday, March 10, 2012


When I saw this skirt I Knew I had to have it! I mean could you resist this piece?! It's so pretty and lady like (you know very "Charlotte" from "Sex in the City"). Plus, it didn't help that the price was super reasonable.I love a good bargain! So, clearly,I succumbed to the temptation and bought the skirt!  
The skirt is very dainty or "girly girl" which can be really cool if you're into that. But, for me I had to rough it up and dress it down a little by pairing it with casual and masculine pieces like the cargo jacket. Besides, I was just running errands. It would've been really strange if I was dressed up like I was going to afternoon tea (blank stare). It wasn't that type of party. so this dressed down lace skirt was the perfect fix for the outing.  

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