Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hello everyone! Although it's been a little nippy in my area this week, there's no denying that Spring is here to stay! For me that only means one thing. Well...actually it means many things, but  for this post just humor me for a second. It means, time to go and dust off your favorite denim jacket! It's by far one of the most essential items to have for the season.If you don't have one I'm totally "side eyeing" you right now because who doesn't have a denim jacket. 
It's one of those things that can be so versatile. You can totally dress it up if you wanted to go for a edgy cool look or you can pair it with something casual for a relaxed everyday look like I opted for today. I actually own at least three denim jackets (blank stare). It's so weird...every season I panic and buy another one thinking I don't have one in the first place. Hence the ridiculous collection, Smdh (I won't do that this Spring, promise). 
This particular denim jacket is one of my favs. All the others are literally identical for the most part, but this one is actually a denim moto jacket which if you ask me is genius. I mean I did say that I like edge and this definitely answers my prayers. 

I paired it with a black and white striped top, floral maxi skirt, and flats. Once again you can barely see my feet, but the flats are super cute!The picture above reveals some detail, but you really can't see the entire shoe. So, let me just fill you in. They are sort of a nudish color, really pointy, and get this, they have a little bow right in the front! Yes Please!! I'll take seconds of that! Now that this is my SECOND time not showing my shoes I will definitely try not to make that mistake again;) Enjoy your day<3   


  1. You look great! Nice blog.


    1. Aww...thanks for the awesome compliment Girlie! I'm really glad you stopped<3

  2. i saw you featured on mtv style and i love this look!

    1. Thanks Girlie! This is definitely one of my go to looks. I'm really glad you like it:)

  3. Love that denim jacket as well as the floral maxi skirt. You look chic and stylish. Lovely!

    Cathy@digitizing service

  4. Thanks Cathy! What an awesome compliment! Btw, the really cool part is that the items are so inexpensive. Gotta love a good bargain:)

  5. Too cute. I want that bag. Send it on sis!!

  6. Thanks Chica! I know, the bag is everything! If I see another one I'll be sure to let you know<3
