Friday, April 20, 2012


TGIF! First of all I would like to thank FabSugar for featuring one of my looks as their look of the day! I'm very excited as it couldn't come at a better time. Of course, it's awesome exposure for my blog and all that good stuff, but even better than that, it brings me so much closer to my dream. My dream of prying Angie's hooks outta my love, Brad M-Fing. Pitt! Clearly, I'm running outta time. Every passing moment her death grip gets that much tighter, considering she's trying to force him to marry her. Yes, "Force"! Just the thought of her dragging MY MAN down the isle gives me all types of bloody diarrhea. I can't...
Brad deserves better and by better I mean me. Angie will be fine. I mean, if you listen to various sources or everybody on the planet (tomato, tomatoe) she's like drop dead gorgeous or something (Screwface). If you subscribe to what most call facts and I call blatant lie telling, both men and women would kill to straddle her, but whatever, I don't see it. Besides, what do they know any way. Most people are so doped up on Xanax they can't even see straight yet alone form a rational opinion. I'm just saying. 
Don't get me wrong, she's ok, I guess, if you're into flawless skin, a perfect body, and the face of a goddess. Not to mention she has the fertility of at least two bunny rabbits. Men like that sorta thing, so she'll have no shortage of potential replacements once I snatch Brad from her clutches. It's the right thing to do because Brad deserves better and by better I mean me. 
So fingers crossed that yesterday was one of those rare days Angie gave him permission to use the internet, and he logs into FabSugar, because clearly that's the first site he would visit, right?! Just go with it. It's my delusion, and I say he goes there first. In your delusion you can send him wherever you want. But I digress. Once he sees me in those leather shorts. What?! Done and Done! Zahra can kiss her daddy goodbye, because I'm not letting him go back. And just in case my plan doesn't work, today I opted to pair flare jeans, a striped tee, and a flowy jacket in the hopes that lightning will strike twice, and my look will get chosen again. Brad has been known to fall for a jeans and tee kinda girl. For him, I can be that and more (not that type of "more" nasty).
Enjoy your day and have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by<3 


  1. I saw your picture on "What I wore", you looked awesome, so I checked out your blog. I just read a majority of the posts and you are HILARIOUS. Like, I am literally LOL'ing when I read your posts.
    Also, It's awesome to see a black woman blogging about clothes.

    1. Aww...Thanks Girlie! What a lovely comment? It really made my day:) I think the great thing about fashion is that it's so universal, and it speaks to all us. Gotta luv that! Btw, isn't WIW the best. I love that blog! It's one of my daily reads. Thank you so much for stopping by<3

  2. Hi! I just saw your photos on Jessica Quirk blog and I came to see your blog, I liket it so I´ll be following you here on blogger and on twitter and if you want to visit my blog or follow me back you´ll be very much welcome...


    1. Hey Diana! My blog is a work in progress, so I'm really glad that you like what you've seen so far. Thanks for stopping by, and i'll be sure to visit your page too<3

  3. My new favorite! Love the contrast between the t-shirt and the shawl - stripes and polkadots make me happy :) - CC

  4. thank you commenting on my blog and for your kind words! loving the red <3


    1. Hey Natalie!! I meant it! It's really kick ass and I'm following:) Thanks for stopping by<3

  5. Absolutely love this look! So so adorable.

  6. Love, love, love this outfit! And funny commentary :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer:) My blog is fairly new, so it's pretty cool to get positive feedback on some of the things I've done so far. Thanks for stopping by<3
