Friday, July 27, 2012


TGIF! In the spirit of the olympics, I donned this patriotic ensemble, white tank top, white denim shorts, and a red jacket, paired with sandals, because a part of me feels like a motherfucking winner today! 
Yesterday, I got the most amazing news! I received an invitation from Lucky Magazine to attend their annual LuckyFABB Conference here in NYC! It's so cray because a few short weeks after I started my blog, the magazine held the West Coast version of the conference in California.
At the time I'm pretty sure I tried to exchange one of my kidneys for an invitation. I mean, don't judge! We all have two so it's not that drastic, and besides I desperately wanted to meet all my favorite bloggers, designers, editors, and movie stars.
Seriously, Zac Posen and Jessica Alba were both in attendance for heaven's sake, so believe me I considered upping the ante to both kidneys, and taking my chance with dialysis for the rest of my life.
It's about sacrifice right, but as willing as I was to harvest vital organs to attend, Lucky Magazine didn't bite, and I wasn't invited. Their loss, I told myself since I don't even drink that much, and my kidney's are in tip top shape.
Well, cut to yesterday, and in my inbox was the golden ticket! I was invited and you better believe I will be there with bells on!
Have a naughty naughty weekend! Do something, someone, anything! Thanks for stopping by<3


  1. love those pumps! congrats on being invited to the luckyfabb conference - that is awesome!

    1. Thanks Amy! I'm so excited I can hardly wait! So glad you dropped by today. Enjoy your weekend! Xoxo!

  2. This is my favorite look so far! - CC

  3. Congrats on the invitation from Lucky Magazine to attend their annual LuckyFABB Conference! You deserve it! Cute outfit, too!

    1. Aww...Thanks Angela! I feel like the little engine that could! Can't wait 'till September. Have a fantastic weekend! Xoxo!
