Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I don't know if you've notice, but courtesy of some jackhole CEO, Fall clothing is in just about every store these days, like an ominous dark cloud, or like that creepy stalker ex-boyfriend who just won't take a hint. 
It's ridiculous because who the hell is thinking about Fall or anything remotely related to cold weather, especially if you're like me, and you're still waiting for the right time to wear some of your new Summer stuff, like this shorts that I paired with a tee, vest, and flats over the weekend.
Don't get me wrong, it's good to be prepared, but those people who buy all their gear a season ahead kinda weird me out. It just wreaks of goody two-shoes, teacher's pet type shit. What are they trying to prove?!
Sure Summer is zooming by, and we're already halfway into July, but hell, I'm still working on my bikini body, which fingers crossed, I can stay away from pizza, and I'll be able to debut it any day now.
Until then, I don't want to see any fucking sweaters, boots, or coats. For heaven's sake, let me have my delusion that Summer isn't almost over, and I still have all the time in the world to work it out. 
Enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by<3

P.S. Be sure to enter the Vedette Shapewear's Giveaway to have the chance to own the shapewear of your choice from Vedette Shapewear's Basic Collection as featured here and here.

To enter the Giveaway here are the rules:

1. Leave a comment on this post stating you would like to enter

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That's it!! Simple right! I will be selecting THREE winners at random. 

**The Giveaway ends August 14, 2012**


  1. I am enjoying the bold color and the stripes. And those flats are the best!!!

    1. Thanks! I also like how crisp and clean the look is too! Thank you so much for stopping by<3

  2. I was on several websites earlier and pre-order is available for fall. I suppose they have missed that the entire nation is experiencing record breaking heat or "we're having a heat-wave,tropical heat-wave" mantra. Oh well I am eyeing a few fall key pieces already LOL!!

    1. I know! Trust me, I love Fall apparel as much as the next person, but can you say too soon. I'm so not ready to even think about such things, especially living on the East coast where cold weather can be brutal at times. Sigh! The heatwave does put things in perspective though. Btw, I can't wait to get my hands on some kickass Fall knee high boots;) thanks for stopping by<3 Xoxo

  3. Awww...Thanks Clara! I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks for stopping by<3

  4. Love that outfit!!! - CC

    1. Thanks CC! Me too! I really liked the laid back, casual, yet super pulled together vibe that this look had. Thanks for stopping by! Xo

  5. i love the flats!! it's so pretty..love to have it!!!

    huggies ***
    smart momma

    1. Thanks! Me too! I thought the flats were so adorable. I just had to have them, and for the price I just couldn't resist. Thanks for stopping by<3
