Friday, August 24, 2012


TGIF! Yesterday after stuffing my face, I decided to take Blog Pics, and ended up at a random church. The fact that I didn't combust into flames as soon as I stepped foot onto the grounds is a miracle in and of itself.
I mean, just look at what I was wearing. Denim cutoffs, paired with flats, and a stomach baring top. Sure it was appropriate for the weather, but for church, that's another story, which would've probably ended in some sort of public stoning had the congregation been around. 
At best, I'm pretty sure I would've gotten some soul piercing disapproving looks, along with a plethora of eye rolls from people like Mrs. So And So, who is likely the proud owner of assless chaps, which she only wears in the privacy of her own home. 
So, clearly she's better than me, who dared to expose myself in the House of the Lord, or at least steps away from it. Luckily, it was well after hours, and I was free to roam the grounds without judgement. 
Now, the eternal damnation that I may have incurred due to my infraction, may be impending, but I seriously doubt it. Sweet Baby Jesus sees me way more naked than I'm sure he would like to, and he has yet to rain down fire and brimstone on my head.  
Perhaps he's saving it for the grand finale, if you're picking up what I'm putting down, but I would like to think that he's not like that. You know, all wrath crazed and drunk on power. He's probably just happy that my heathen ass even made an appearance.
Have a kick ass weekend! Go Forth! Carpe Diem! 
Thanks for stopping by<3


  1. Love the pop of color the sandals give the outfit! Goes perfect with the black and white striped shirt. - cc

    1. Thanks CC! I couldn't agree more! Thanks for dropping by:)
