Thursday, September 27, 2012


I had the opportunity to attend the Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference (IFBCON) a few weeks ago. I decided to wear a dramatic peplum top paired with sandals and camouflage skinnies, which is ironic since this print does the opposite of allowing you to hide or blend in.
Luckily, I didn't want to blend in. I wanted to stand out, and what better way to accomplish that than with a statement piece. I figured if any of those people were anything like me, remembering a name after a fleeting moment, or a random meeting, is next to impossible. 
After a while, everybody is a Sally or a Monique or a Sarah, but not everybody is "that girl" wearing those camouflage skinnies with that dope peplum top, or "that girl" with the stink breath, and fingers crossed, I pray it was the former, as I hope my Tic Tacs didn't fail me. 
Either way, in a room full of strangers networking like there's no tomorrow, for better or for worse, you want to be remembered.  You want to make an impression that will last after whatever  person you're trying to impress gets home and tosses all the business cards in the trash.
And trust me, if you check out awesome Blogger Bobby Austin's video above where I'm featured from 1:56 to 2:07 there was a hell of a lot of business cards to be had, as the place was packed with bloggers who were all dressed to the nines, vying for the attention of their peers.
 This can be a bit intimidating especially if you go to something like that solo dolo as I did, and I knew no one there. So, you can only imagine how nerve wracking it was for a person like me who is generally not aggressive in social situations unless Jose Cuervo or Jack Daniels shows up, then that's a whole other story.
But, without that liquid courage coaxing that social butterfly out of me, I still had to muster up the balls to approach people like one of my favorite Bloggers, Krystal, from This Time Tomorrow, and start conversations that may have been forgettable, but boy, did you see "that girl" in those camouflage skinnies and dope peplum top. Fingers crossed something stuck, and I left an impression. 
Enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by<3 
Top: Romwe (similar one hereherehere & here)
Skinnies: Target (similar one here & here)
Bag: Zara (similar one herehere,& here)
Sandals: Dolce Vita (similar one here)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Charnele! Me too! It's one of those prints that's always in style. So classic! I remember wearing it years ago, and now here we are again. Thank you so much for stopping by<3

  2. Love this outfit! That top is everything!

    1. Thanks! I love that top tooo!! I nearly died when I first saw it. I love how dramatic it is in the back and the quality of the fabric is so good. It's such a statement piece. Definitely glad I bought it. So glad you stopped by<3

  3. LOOOOVE the peplum top! Sooooo cute! The camo pants are very chic as well!

    1. Hey Rachel! I know!! Me too! I absolutely fell in love with that top when I saw it. I love a good peplum, and I liked this take on this style. Pairing it with the camo was an added bonus for me. Xoxo

  4. Love your look, militar style, wonderful

    1. Thanks! I've always loved camo print and military style in general, especially when paired with something really feminine like the peplum top or sexy heels. Thanks for stopping by<3

  5. very beautiful shirt!! you look perfect
    kisses pretty

    1. Aww...thanks:) The top is one of my favorite purchases I made recently. I just love how dramatic the peplum is. So glad you stopped by<3

  6. Girrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllll you better work! Gosh, that top is just... I can't even take it. Lovely, lovely.
    You look great (but what else is new?).

    1. Aww...Thank you so much for such an awesome compliment! Btw, I know what you mean about the top. I literally got that love at first sight feeling when I first saw it. After that it was over. I knew I had to have it! Thanks for dropping by. Xoxo

  7. loved what you wrote about not blending in and just standing out. And also loved your outfit.

    1. Thanks for reading, and leaving such an awesome comment! I wanted to stand out all while still being myself, and I feel this look accomplished that. When in doubt just be yourself. There's only one you and that's enough to make a statement;) Thanks for stopping by<3
