Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Happy Hump Day! I really wish I was on the beach right now, sprawled out in a bikini, instead of rocking a shearling jacket albeit fab, paired with skinnies, a blouse, and ankle boots. 
I would much rather be on a tropical island somewhere far away with some gorgeous and ever so willing errand boy feeding me grapes. 
This cold weather and dark before 5pm bullshit is really starting to drive me to drink more than normal of course, because I would be lying if I didn't admit that I already have a well established habit in that department. 
But, that notwithstanding, I would rather not jepordize what's left of my liver due to my meloncholia over this weather situation.
I should be use to this by now, but every season this change seems to get the most of me, and all I want to do is flee for greener pastures or hibernate until Spring with a bottle of whisky for sure to pass the time.  
Enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by<3
Jacket: Asos (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Boots: Charlotte Russe (similar one here & here)
Blouse: Forever21 (similar one herehere, & here
Skinnies: Charlotte Russe(similar one herehere, & here)
Bag: Forever21 (similar one herehere, & here)


  1. I love the blouse and your color pairings. Weather - hot or cold - just an excuse to hit the bottle. F**k it, who needs excuses?

    1. Lmao! Thanks! You're a girl after my own heart. I would add day or night to that sentiment too:) Enjoy your day. Xo

  2. Thanks Terry! I live for this jacket! It totally gets the job done, all while being so amazing. Thanks for stopping by. Xoxo
