Monday, January 14, 2013


Sometimes putting on a pair of skin tight skinnies that grab my ass just so, have a way of making me feel like a sex pot akin to the broads in those nudie magazines or skin flicks, albeit an immensely watered down version completely incapable of eliciting a rise.
Nevertheless, nobody couldn't convince me that I wasn't emanating sexual prowess and was completely deserving of at least a pity arousal or a good old fashion atta girl.  
Truth of the matter is, I felt the way I can only imagine women the likes of Halle Berry with their perfect everything just strut around knowing. 
While I on the other hand have to squeeze myself into a pair of skinnies, and all the stars have to be aligned ever so perfectly before I can even pull off a caricature version of sexy without completely embarrassing myself or triggering the gag reflex of mankind. 
Trust me I've worn far less and exposed way more body parts at the expense of my dignity and non-existent self respect, and still failed to capture the essence of sexy let alone the attention of a man. 
Spending your time making sure that your girls don't make an impromptu public appearance can have that effect, and immediately detract from one's Bar Refaeli moment, especially when self confidence is replaced by nightmarish thoughts of humiliating overexposure.
I've learned those lessons the hard way with entire nights spent tugging at and strategically placing fabric over areola trying to achieve bombshell status. But, the irony is, it doesn't take that much. A bit of confidence and a good pair of skinnies will suffice. 
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your day<3
Skinnies: Target (similar one here, here, here, here, & here)
Bag: Forever21(similar one hereherehere, & here)
Jacket: Forever21 (similar one hereherehere,& here)
Shirt: H&M (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Pumps: Urbanog (similar one here & here)


  1. Replies
    1. Aww..Thanks Nikki! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for dropping by. xoxo

  2. Your shoe collection=fierce!! Love the jacket as well.

    1. Thanks Nicole! It's bordering on problematic, but it's under control for now. I love how lady like these pumps are so I couldn't resist taking them home with me. At least I don't have an affinity for diamonds. I don't know how I would manage. Shoes are doable. Xoxo
