Monday, March 4, 2013


I'm aware that there are two times when white denim should not be worn for obvious reasons, when it's raining or when Aunt Flow is in town. 
Well, the latter isn't scheduled to visit for another few weeks, but it damn sure was raining when I decided to break the cardinal rule and wear white to what could've been to my own detriment.   
I can't say it was the smartest thing for me to do considering I was attending an event in New York City, and even under the most ideal of conditions that place is far from pristine let alone clean.
But even knowing the risk, I took a chance dodging puddle after puddle until I got to my destination unscathed and spared from the embarrassment of an unwanted Dalmatian transformation.
  Enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by<3 
**Check out my Instagram @ClosetFix to see different pictures of this outfit and images from the event.
Skinnies: Forever21 (similar one herehereherehere, & here)
Jacket: DIY (similar one hereherehere, & here
Shirt: Forever21 (similar one here & here)
Necklace: DIY (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Bag: Forever21 (similar one here & here)
Pumps: Urbanog (similar one here & here


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rachel! I love playing around with accessories, and I've never seen a statement necklace I didn't like. A really neat trick that I learned is that you can totally enhance the effect by layering your favorite pieces. It's such a nice way to take your outfit to another level. Thank you so much for dropping by. Enjoy your day. xoxo
