Monday, May 20, 2013


If you follow me on Instagram @ClosetFix and via my Facebook Page you're already aware that I had the pleasure of meeting talented designer +Rachel Roy at the launch of her FEED India tote bag in NYC.
Generally I don't need much convincing or arm twisting to shop. I usually take to it as if I'm getting paid to spend money frivolously, or so I've been told, and if we're really being honest, it's closer to being lectured and admonished once the credit card bill arrives.  
Most of the time the scolding is warranted, considering based on the stockpile of goods that I've acquired, and to this day have yet to wear, I certainly don't need anything else. 
However, that type of reasoning when it comes to shopping is a stretch for me, as my thought processes are far from rational once I set foot into a mall. So, I figure since I'm going to spend money any way, I might as well put my resources behind a worthy cause. 
Every purchase of Rachel Roy's FEED India bag, provides 100 school meals to children in India. I mean, I'm not going to lie, the bag is pretty cute, so I would've bought it anyway. However, the fact that I'm helping others while I flex my purchasing power is the icing on the cake. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day<3 
Bag: Rachel Roy (similar one herehere, & here)
Sandal: BeBe (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Jacket: Old Navy (similar one here, here, here,  & here) 
Boyfriend Jeans: Forever21 (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Scarf: Forever21 (similar one herehere, & here)
T-shirt: Forever21 (similar one here & here


  1. Hey. You look beautifyl, love the look ;)

    1. Aww..Thanks! I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl at heart, so I'm always at home in that pairing. I'm so glad you like it as much as I do. Thanks for stopping by. Xoxo
