Monday, May 27, 2013


If you follow me on Instagram @ClosetFix and via my Facebook Page, on May 13 you had the pleasure or deep disappointment, depending on your affinity or lack thereof for tribal print, of seeing this outfit. 
Personally, I'm into this skirt. Unlike some other prints that can instantly trigger a seizure on sight, and should honestly come with a warning label for the predisposed, this pattern is relatively pleasing.
Perhaps the color doesn't lend itself to promoting those irregular brainwaves that'll have you fluttering and foaming uncontrollably at the mouth, which btw the former would be tragic considering the length.  
In any event, whatever the case may be, I'm glad this tribal print works for me, and apparently for those of you who saw it weeks ago on my Instagram @ClosetFix and Facebook Page, as evidenced by no pending lawsuits regarding reckless endangerment with my name on it. 
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your day<3 
**In case you missed it on May 13, check out my Instagram @ClosetFix and Facebook Page to see this look paired with flats.**
Skirt: Forever21 (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Jacket: Old Navy(similar one here & here)
Heels: UrbanOg (similar one hereherehere, & here)
Sweater: Forever21 (similar one herehereherehere, & here)
Bag: Zara (similar one herehere, & here)

1 comment:

  1. Thank You so much:) I love how dressy casual this outfit is. I was able to transition from day to night effortlessly just by adding flats. That versatility is so necessary especially when you're pressed for time. So glad you dropped by. Enjoy your day. Xoxo
