Friday, June 15, 2012


TGIF! A few months back everybody was wearing those H&M floral pants, so much so, that after a while, the mere site of them caused me to throw up a little in my mouth, and fight back the overwhelming urge to gouge my eyes out. 
Don't get me wrong, the first couple of times I saw those pants, I wanted to dry hump them hard, Junior High School style, but with my clothes on to avoid the whole chafing thing.  
I found them so cute, and for the price I was willing to give it up to them, and I certainly tried, but I couldn't find them anywhere, which made me want them more, stalker style.
However, when I spotted even my neighbor, who you can tell has no idea that skinny jeans is not referring to her father's side of the family, wearing the pants too, I was completely turned off, and my fashion boner went soft. 
Recently, though, I fell in love with shorts in a similar print, which I paired with a button down shirt and heels. These I know won't end up on the backside of my neighbor.   
This is after all the same person who has no qualms about publicly wearing socks with sandals. So, clearly she's modest.    
Enjoy your freaking weekend! 
P.s: keep up with me over the weekend on Instagram: @closetfix


  1. I love the shorts, the heels and the bag!! :))

    Enjoy your weekend!! :)

  2. Speaking of weekend - what a perfect outfit to wear out - anything from brunch to shopping - well, maybe bring an extra pair of flip flops - it is national flip flop day damn it! -CC

    1. Lmao! The flip flops are a must! Thanks for dropping by CC<3

  3. These shorts are soooo amazing! You look hotttttt :)


    1. Thanks Rachel! I'm loving your comment, lol! I really love these shorts too! The colors, print, and especially the fit. It's so forgiving and flattering. Thanks for stopping by! Xoxo
