Monday, June 18, 2012


Happy Monday!I went to a concert on Saturday to see one of my current favorite bands, Fun. I'm a total music freak, and if I wasn't attached, I wouldn't be averse to doing the nasty with the likes of Chris Martin and John Mayer in the back of a tour bus.     
They would totally get it, and lots of it. Musicians are just hot, and they do it for me, and in turn I would do it for them, if I was single that is. 
Maybe it's that whole crooning soulfully about matters of the heart, or belting out out badass lyrics about last night's conquest that immediately makes me wanna swap spit, or other any other bodily fluids with these Gods of the stage.  
Whatever it is I'm 100 percent hooked, and I can't get enough, so I paired a camis with a blazer, boyfriend shorts, and pumps, and I went to the concert to pine and drool, and then pine some more.
To my delight, the band definitely delivered, and I belted out every song as if my life counted on it.
Once the spirits took over, I danced a little less off beat than normal. 
All in all, I had an amazing time, and burned brighter than the sun.
Enjoy your day. Thanks for stopping by<3
P.s. More Pictures from this event on My Instagram: @Closetfix 


  1. Love this look. The blazer pulls it all together! - CC

    1. Thanks CC!! You're so right! This Blazer always does the trick! XoXo

  2. You loook great girl !!
