Friday, June 22, 2012


TGIF! It's hot as balls in NYC! You'd think I'd get all super skank and head out with pasties and a g-string, you know, all in the name of staying cool!
But due to the 5 o'clock shadow that's sprung up on my gams, in what seems like a matter of hours, as I'm pretty certain I just shaved, I had to opt for jeans paired with a blouse, and pumps. 
Of course I could've pranced down the street in booty shorts as if I didn't share a striking resemblance to Cousin It, but not even the heatwave would've given me a pass to go au naturel.  
It's Summer after all, and this is the only time of year when you can't get away with not adequately plucking, waxing, and then plucking some more. If only I had alopecia. Sigh!
But no such luck, because clearly I have localized hypertrichosis. So, trying to keep the hair at bay with razors, lazers, and creams can seem like one of the many curses of being a woman, or at least a woman with legs. I blame greedy ass Eve, but I digress.  
Suddenly, the life of a double amputee doesn't seem half bad when you think about the trade-off. I mean, they can't exactly remove hair from nonexistent parts, and that alone incites some major envy...Just during the Summer months though. The rest of the time, not so much. 
Have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by<3
P.S. Keep up with me over the weekend on Instagram: @ClosetFix


  1. Lovely pink top. Looks so beautiful. And the bow necklace is so cute.
    Have a great weekend
    xo, Petra

    1. Thanks Petra! The color definitely sold me on the top. So glad you like it too. Have fun this weekend! Xoxo

  2. Those shoes are fabulous! And that bag is hot! - CC

    1. Thanks CC! You won't even believe me, but the shoes are actually comfortable and easy to walk in. Gotta love that. Thanks for stopping by<3

  3. Those heels are gorgeous. I absolutely love your outfit!
    You have an amazing blog. I would love if you could check out mine!


    1. Thanks Meera! So glad you like my blog! As a newbie that kind of feedback is so encouraging. Thanks for dropping by<3

  4. Hi There! So...I am stopping by no warts :) LOVE this outfit and those sandals! I cannot believe they're Forever 21 and I am a chronic shopper of that place! So glad to have met you on blogtrends chat today, I am following and look forward to your next post!

    1. Hey!! Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the Webasphere. I'm a total Forever21 whore! They completely own me, lol. The whole broke, but still want to look good, keep me going back for more. The great thing about F21 is that you can always find really cute quality stuff there, and you don't have to go broke in the process. I'm so glad to have your support. That means a lot. Please stop by anytime.

  5. sorry had to comment again, really like this outfit. And yes you got me commentig on a month old post, you're one of my new style crush hehe

    1. Aww...Don't be sorry! I think it's great, and I thank you so much for the positive feedback. I really appreciate that especially since I'm new to blogging. Imo, this is what it's all about, the interaction, so please, stop by any time, and don't be afraid to say hey or drop me a line:) Btw, I like how the top is all business in the front and party in the back:) Xoxo
