Friday, June 8, 2012


OMG! On Wednesday, the most amazing thing happened to me! Yours truly had a professional photo shoot with Refinery29 for an Armani Exchange event here in NYC. Refinery29 extended the event to fashion bloggers, and as soon as I heard about it, I picked out this lace dress, paired with a leather jacket, pumps, and an arm full of bracelets of course, and I decided to participate.
I was so nervous! It's one thing to be photographed by the BF, who sees me bad naked all the time, and he hasn't left yet, which clearly means he loves me, because trust me sans clothes, the sight is far from glamourous and likely to initiate a dry heave. 
It's another thing to have someone who could give two shits about you beyond the project at hand, taking your picture. I've already proven to the BF that I'm no model, and I'm more like an awkward talking robot. He's used to it.  
So, before I did my best impersonation of a deer in the headlights I let the photographers in on the jig. To my surprise I wasn't  immediately thrown out on my arse. Instead the guys could not have been more accommodating and reassuring.
They put me at ease, and told me all I had to do was just stand in place, and they would do the rest. That in and of itself was a tiny miracle, 'cause to date there's a reason why I don't walk and chew gum...I can't. But, rest assured I can stand with the best of them. 
Have a Great Weekend! Thanks for stopping by<3


  1. You look amazing - do your thing!!! - CC

    1. Hey CC! Thank You! So glad you stopped by<3

  2. this is a great outfit, the jacket is a great F21 find!!

    1. Thanks Emmett! Forever21 is one of those stores that always has some unexpected pieces that will blow you away, but not your wallet;) Thanks for stopping by<3

  3. Very nice!!! Keep up the great work :)

  4. DAAAAAMN girl- that outfit is the buiness and yu look soooo sexy!..sidebar Whooot whoot on the photoshoot- Im sooo proud of you.


    1. Thanks Chica! The shoot was so cool! I was so glad and surprised that they choose me. Thanks for always supporting me!! Xoxo

  5. LOL.. You are very frank. You look great. Hey gurl

    1. Aww...Thanks Girlie! Btw, Frank is the only way I know;) So glad you stopped by<3

  6. Love that dress! I love the pop of blue in your shoes and pink in your purse. Looks great together! Happy Friday! If you have some time today, check out my Fab Friday Beauty Tip!


    1. Thanks Rachael! So glad you like it! Some times it's the accessories that can really bring a look to the next level! Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your weekend! Xoxo!
