Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Happy Hump day! In the past few days I've been obsessing about the issue that I mentioned in the previous post. It's to the point where I've done everything but insert an anal suppository to rid myself of mother nature's little pre-show gift, and frankly that option is not off the table.      
I mean, I must've washed my face with every over the counter cream and cleanser known to man...twice...with waters reaching temperatures only an alligator and a desperate narcissist could withstand, to no avail, as the mark of the beast is still front and center. 
I really can't understand why it isn't working, because I followed the instructions to a T, and nothing. At least there may be an upside to an anal suppository, even if that shit doesn't work, if you know what I mean. But I digress.  
Either those companies are lie telling with promises of Angelina Jolie's flawless skin, or I've contracted a rare strain of some exotic face infection, that's clearly resistant to benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, since I still look like Two-face.
If I could only have people stand to the left of me 'till this situation (and it is a situation) clears up, all would be right with the world, but since such a request would earn me a stay in the psych ward, I figure I would do more sane things, like distract them with my printed pants, which I paired with a tee, blazer, and sandals. It's a start, but it would be much better if the pants covered my face instead of my hoo-hoo.   
Enjoy your day! And if you have any good remedies please drop me a line. I'm desperate over here. Thanks for stopping by<3


  1. Love your outfit! The pants look so pretty on you!

    1. Thank you so much! So glad you stopped by<3

  2. Hey doll! Those pants are amazing! H&M and Forever 21 are my Go-To stores! You look amazing! I'm following your lovely blog and I'm looking forward to your future posts! I would love if you can follow me too!!

    Best wishes from Toronto, Canada!


    1. Aww...thanks! I love those stores too! You can definitely find some awesome pieces, which are super affordable so I love that. I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog. Your feedback is very encouraging. Thank you so much for stopping by<3

  3. snake print pants and cleavage will totally distract people From the baby on your face. Take it from me. Great bag! That get up looks great on you! Cc

    1. Thanks CC! Btw, I hope you're right. Thanks for stopping by<3

  4. Those print pants rock! I am beyond envious. As for the "baby" try Clinique Acne Solutions spot healing gel and keep rocking fantastic prints!-----Nicole

    1. Thanks for the tip Nicole! I definitely gonna give it a try. So glad you stopped by<3

  5. Love that bag!!
