Happy Hump Day! I woke up to 30 degrees this morning, so to the state of Florida I would like to give a hearty go to hell. Yeah that's right, with your balmy weather everyday, go straight to hell. If you're in California or Arizona and you're laughing, shut that up immediately (straight face). You can get some too, with that year round sunshine BS. Ugh...you guys disgust me right now! Sure I'm slightly jealous. It's Spring after all and frost still exist in my world. I can't.
To make matters worst, not only do I have to go out everyday and expose myself to this brutality, but I have to wallow in it for extended periods of time. If I had known, I would've started this blog well into Summer. I mean, right now, I'm outside day after day, rain or shine...well...let me think about that...not really rain so much. I do sorta draw the line there. I've never tested the theory, but I'm about 93 percent positive that if rain ever comes in contact with my body I would melt. Yeah, you got it, just like butter. I promise. I'm no risk taker, so, if it's raining I don't go. And I mean ANYWHERE. My tactic has worked so far, since I'm still here. Besides, I'm not into the whole frizzy hair thing. But, you get the point.
So rain notwithstanding, I'm out there and let me be clear, it's really kinda hard being all smily, smily, and posey, posey when my nipples are frozen. That sorta pain before noon is ungodly and downright disrespectful. Take today for instance,as soon as I stepped out the door I immediately regretted not wearing thermal everything. Wtf! Sure it will be 60 degrees later on in the day and normally, on the go pairing, my spring dress, with a denim jacket, and flats would've sufficed. However, for my blog I wallow remember, and if this keeps up I may become the first nippleless, big headed, personal style blogger ever. I mean don't get me wrong I'm into breaking records and all, but I like my nipples. My head size, well, not so much but...I digress.
Sheesh, who knew there were so many inherent hazards of personal style blogging. Not to mention, all the gazes, which, if truth be told are closer to soul piercing gawks of nosey passerby's who are clearly thinking I'm a nutbag, since I'm the only genius lollygaging in freezing ass temperatures. Well...the photog is too, but they can totally tell by the look on his face that he's either a hostage or my BF and either way he's being forced. It's either he has Stockholm Syndrome or he's madly in love with me, which is pretty much one in the same at this point, but whatever. The photog has an excuse.
I on the other hand can be a ridiculous person at times. Who else would do such a thing?! I just wish I could be ridiculous in the sunshine, on a beach, maybe with a drink, and perhaps surrounded by some Floridians, but they'll probably ban me now, since I did pretty much tell them to F off. Please forgive me Florida I blame brain freeze.
Enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by<3